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The Bothers Hawthorne by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Before I start this review I just want to make it clear I love this series and characters so much. I still recommend the first three books in the series. They are so worth investing your time in. This one? Not so much.

It started off really well. The four brothers together, talking and bonding. I was really entertained for the first 60-70 pages and then it went downhill. The pacing is slow.

Firstly let me start by saying Nash and Xander are really vital and core members of this series and the lack of them makes an immense impact. Nash and Xander both provide a sense of unity, balance, family and peace into Grayson and Jameson's chaos. I missed the two so much in this one. It was a terrible mistake on JLB's part to kick the two out of the book.

Secondly, the dynamic between Grayson, Avery and Jameson completely fell. The three act like they no longer know each other. There are so few scenes of the three together it's just strange. Grayson and Jameson deserved more scenes together. They are no longer rivals stuck in a love triangle.

Coming to the "love aspect". Those who haven't read the series yet, might want to skip past these few sentences. Jameson and Avery were so amazing in the last book together. They had such good growth and Jameson was shining. Here, they had zero chemistry. Sure, they had like two good scenes together but the rest of the book they act like they are strangers? It is so weird. Grayson and Avery still have better chemistry. It hurts to see my man is still hung up on her.

There clearly lies more in store for Grayson. His story is not complete and this was the sole reason for this book. But while doing so, am not sure what JLB was trying to achieve. He is broken. Hung up over so many girls who betrayed him so many times. He stood up to Eve towards the end and opened up to his brothers but his character needs more. There was no healing for him. Hopefully that gets rectified in the next book.

A major problem was the fact that JLB wrote the story in a very confusing manner. We get Grayson and Jameson's POV. Both have missions of their own. Jameson's mission in particular served no major purpose. His character deserves better than that. Apart from two different missions, we get flashbacks in between which just makes things worse. The back and forth along with different pov started to make things unnecessarily complicated.

No doubt JLB is a talented writer but she made a lot of mistakes in this. The way this book has not much to offer and is written in such a boring manner makes it comes across as written purely for the purpose of money grab. This book easily could have been a novella, 200 pages short but it dragged on in a miserable way. It surely reads like a novella but is a proper book.

The only reason I will read the next book is for the fact am not ready to give up on Grayson yet.


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