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Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman

Eleanor Oliphant is a truly unique and intriguing protagonist. She's socially awkward and has a rather peculiar way of looking at the world, which makes her stand out from other characters I've encountered. As a teen myself, I found her struggles with fitting in and making friends to be quite relatable, and I think many of us can see a bit of ourselves in her.

Eleanor's life takes unexpected turns, and as readers, we get to witness her journey of self-discovery. There are moments that are heartwarming and funny, but there are also some real gut-punching scenes that had me shedding a tear or two. The way th

e author deals with mental health and loneliness is handled so delicately and thoughtfully.

One aspect I particularly loved about this book is the character development. Eleanor evolves throughout the story, and her growth is beautifully portrayed. Watching her open up to others and start forming connections felt so satisfying.

The writing style is brilliant. Gail Honeyman has a way of crafting sentences that are both poetic and straightforward, making it easy to get lost in the story. The pacing is perfect, keeping you engaged from start to finish.

One thing to note is that this novel touches on some heavy themes, so be prepared for a thought-provoking read. But don't worry, it's not all doom and gloom. There's a healthy dose of humor that balances the darker moments.

Overall, "Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine" is a well... fine book. A book i highly recommend if you want a change of genre. Infact i call my phase "book diet".


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